
Disputatio publishes articles on all aspects of analytical philosophy, especially those dealing with current issues in the philosophies of language, logic and mind, written in either English or Portuguese. Articles of a purely exegetical or historical character will not be published.

Manuscripts with no more than 6,000 words should be typed, and will not be returned. They should also be prepared for anonymous refereeing. Authors are encouraged to submit articles by e-mail (please quote your paper's title in your e-mail). If submitting by regular mail authors must enclose an electronic version. Authors of accepted articles will be asked to prepare a final electronic version in accordance with Disputatio's style.

Manuscripts are accepted for review under the understanding that the work submitted for publication has not been published elsewhere, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that it will not be submitted for publication elsewhere unless the editors of Disputatio have rejected it.

Disputatio is published twice a year, in November and May, both on paper and the Internet.

All material published in Disputatio is fully copyrighted. It may be printed or photocopied for private or classroom purposes, but it may not be published elsewhere without the author's and Disputatio's written permission. The authors own copyright of articles, book reviews and critical notices. Disputatio owns other materials. If in doubt, please contact Disputatio or the authors.

Submissions and mail are to be sent to the managing editor:

Desidério Murcho
Dep. of Philosophy
King's College London
Strand, London WC2R 2LS
United Kingdom

Book reviews

Book reviews are usually invited; however, suggestions for book reviews are welcome.

Disputatio publishes reviews of books on any philosophical topic within the analytic tradition, broadly construed.

Publishers should send review copies to the managing editor, at the address above.

How we work

The board takes usually no more than 12 months to reach a decision. Feel free to inquiry about your submited paper before that. We are trying to improve our decision timing.

Disputatio is a double blind-refereed journal. Here is how submissions are dealt with: The managing editor receives the submitted paper and passes it over to the editorial board, deleting the author's name. The editorial board reads it and either rejects it or asks one or two referees to read it. Referees may or may not be members of the advisory board. Based on the referees' report the editorial board reaches a decision.

Until September 2002 Disputatio received 54 submissions, rejected 32, and published 22 papers of those. 20 papers were invited, to kick-off the journal. The tendency is to end or restrict severely this practice.